Decisions made at every level of a business everyday impact its financial position and well-being. Understanding the principles that underpin every business – whether your own business, your employer or your competitor – empowers you to maximize your value as a professional.
Yet many non-finance professionals hesitate when presented with financial reports and accounting jargon, contribute to the workplace financial conversation in a limited way; and stay quiet in meetings where you might otherwise contribute.
This one-hour session introduces fundamental understanding of finance and business using the workshop is based on the Color Accounting Learning System™, the globally-acclaimed approach for effectively building accounting and financial literacy. You will leave with tools and a grasp of business finance that will pay dividends throughout your career, as a non-finance professional.
In this session we will explore:
– Foundations of business acumen
– Interpreting the balance sheet
– Deriving the income statement
– Telling a business story
What People Say
The Color Accounting Learning System “approach has the advantage of showing how it works visually. We all tend to see problems and relationships more easily visually, so the approach takes advantage of how we learn most effectively.”
– Paul Healy, James R. Williston Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business School
Join Paul Ch’ng for a insightful session on the relationship between number and business!
Reply to this email to reserve your seat(s) now!
Speaker: Paul Ch’ng
Thursday, 20 October 2021
10.00 am to 11.00 am
(By invitation only, pre-registration is required by Contact Us. Only 12 seats available. )