Private Online Event on 9 Dec 2020 4.00pm: Preparing your team for Post-Covid

With many vaccines approaching the final stages of testing, we might indeed be moving towards a day when Covid is no longer a threat to us. But…

How will the new business landscape look like? The likely scenario is we will never go back to Pre-Covid days. What are some changes that are here to stay?

More importantly…

  • How will these new business norms impact the workplace?
  • What new skills or mindsets must we equipped the team with?

How can we prepare them for the challenges ahead? Join our team of subject matter experts for a candid discussion as we brace ourselves for another roller coaster ride in 2021!

Moderator: Tan Teck Beng
Wednesday, 9 Dec 2020
4.00 pm to 5.00 pm
(By invitation only, pre-registration is required by Contact Us promo code PCOVID.
Only 12 seats available. Additional information on the panelists will be emailed to registered participants only.)

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